The Academy Students

The Academy is an independent private day and boarding institution for boys and girls, which is open to children of parents from all walks of life and of all nationalities without distinction of ethnic origin or religious affiliation.
It caters for students between the ages of 5 and 18, from Primary grade 1 to 'O' and 'A'-level, the present average number in each class being 45. Thus the school is small enough for everyone in it to have some significance in the community, and yet big enough to offer a wide range of opportunity in educational athletic and artistic areas to meet the varied interests of growing children.
We aim to develop those qualities of leadership and independence of thought which are in demand now more than ever before. This we hope to achieve by providing a healthy, happy and cultured school life with sensible ideas about religion, work, discipline and games.
We provide excellent modern facilities based on traditional lines, and offer a wonderful opportunity for children to receive a first-class education in a caring yet disciplined atmosphere, in which they can grow and learn within their own local environment while at the same time developing a broader sense of responsibility towards their fellows and aim for a high standard of personal achievement in a wide range of activities, both social and academic.