Year 2018 Calendar

Term Dates:

Term Starts Ends
Lent (1st) Term Monday 5th February 2018 Friday 27th April 2018
Memorial (2nd) Term Monday 28th May 2018 Friday 17th August 2018
Christmas (3rd) Term Monday 17th September 2018 Friday 30th November 2018


Lent (1st) Term: Saturday 17th March 2018.
Memorial (2nd)  Term: Saturday 7th July 2018.
Christmas (3rd) Term: Saturday 27th October 2018.

St. Joseph Day

This is the occasion when Katatumba Academy celebrates its Patron Saints Day.
Sunday 19th March is the feast day of St. Joseph the Patron Saint of the Katatumba Academy. The day begins with Holy Mass at the school and in a special way the pupils/students pray to St. Joseph the Worker and the husband of Mary the mother of Jesus to intercede for them to God to work hard and become good pupils/students.
Aware of the concern of the environmental degradation which has caused global climate change the pupils/students plant trees to add on the many trees that abound the environment of their school.
The day ends with friendly Football and Basketball matches between the students of the Katatumba Academy and their sister school St. Joseph Vocational Secondary School which is followed by High Tea.

St. Joseph Day 2018 will take place on Monday 19th March 2018.

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Foundation Day

This day is also the day when the Chairman celebrates his Birthday. The day begins with a Thanksgiving Mass after which the children undertake a charity walk around the neighborhood giving donations to the needy and children, and carrying out housework for the elderly.
After lunch there is Inter-schools Mastermind Quiz between invited friendly schools in the region. Winning schools and participants are awarded prizes.
The Chairman inaugurates an annual Theme and unveils a project. This is followed by High Tea, Cutting of Cake and Entertainment.

Foundation Day 2018 will take place on Saturday 21st July 2018.

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Memorial Day

The Little Town of Katatumba, the ancestral home of the Katatumbas is located in Nyakayojo Zone, in Mbarara Municipality. On a Saturday, around 20th September every year the Katatumba family, relatives and friends and the Katatumba Academy community hold Memorial Anniversary celebrations. The Katatumbas have held this event persistently every year to mark the day when their father, the late Joseph Bwitirire Katatumba, passed away after he was brutally murder by armed thugs in his house on the night of 19th September 1979.

Memorial Day 2018 will take place on Saturday 22nd September 2018.

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Christmas Carols

Christmas Carols by Candle Light and Christmas Dinner:

Thursday 29th November 2018.




Open Day

This event is held at the close of Christmas (Third Term). Parents are required to attend in person to discuss with teachers the performance and progress of their children.
On the eve of the last day of term there are Christmas Carols by Candlelight followed by a Christmas Dinner for students, parents and staff and invited guests.
On the last day of Term the day begins with Exhibition and Class projects, This is followed by an Annual Play and Prize Giving to recognise excellent performance of children academically and socially and staff who will have excelled in their performance of duty.

Open Day 2018 will take place on Friday 30th November 2018.

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