Memorial Day

The Little Town of Katatumba, the ancestral home of the Katatumbas is located in Nyakayojo Zone, in Mbarara Municipality. On a Saturday, around 20th September every year the Katatumba family, relatives and friends and the Katatumba Academy community hold Memorial Anniversary celebrations. The Katatumbas have held this event persistently every year to mark the day when their father, the late Joseph Bwitirire Katatumba, passed away after he was brutally murder by armed thugs in his house on the night of 19th September 1979. This is also the day which the family chose to remember all the deceased family members.
The event is held over three days. On Friday the family members congregate at one of the family member's home for a get together and Kasiki. On Saturday a Memorial Mass is celebrated at their ancestral home at Rwekishokye Estate followed by the laying of the wreaths and a grand luncheon. Later in evening the family members together with Pupils, Students, Old Boys and Girls of the Katatumba Academy have friendly competitions in sports and later at night hold a Campfire which is characterized by a lot of fanfare and entertainment. On Sunday morning the family members hold a retreat at a Prayer Breakfast, where topics of interest and moral building are discussed. These topics are well selected and are geared to guiding their young generation.
The history of the Katatumba family can be traced back to the earliest ancestor so far remembered, KAGISHA who lived in Kigiro Mpororo towards the end of the 1770s. He fathered a son, MURAMAGI born about 1800. Muramagi married several wives, as was the custom, who bore him many children, notably RUGIRWA, born in 1830 who migrated to Nshungyezi. Rugirwa married Baatamba who bore him a son, the only child named RWEKISHOKYE. He and his father then shifted from Nshungyezi to Nyakayojo. Rwekishokye married Bwitirire. He became very influential in the area and was appointed a sub-parish chief (omukungu) during colonial rule. God blessed them with children – one son and six daughters. His forth child was the late Joseph Bwitirire Katatumba. The name Katatumba now famous in business and public circles, both at home and abroad, originates from this great man. He is the father, grand father and great grand father of the current Katatumba generation. Katatumba got married in 1936 to Anna Maria Katatumba, daughter of Mariko Kateera and Monica Keihongani, abazirankyende of the Bahinda Clan of Igara. Joseph and Maria met in Mbarara Hospital where they both worked, one as a Medical Assistant and the other as a Nurse. The late J.B. Katatumba was alas murdered by armed thugs in his house on the fateful 19th day of September 1979. As the holy bible cites: "A good tree is judged by its fruits" (Luke 6:44). J.B. Katatumba bore nine children, five boys and four girls: Maria Theresa Kabarungi Nabukaru, Hon John Katungye, Frank Mutabuza, George William Katatumba, Joseph Muhumuza, Boney Mwebesa, Mary Josepher Kyakuhaire, Joniva Tibahitana and Gorretti Bonabana in that order. Four of them are still alive today namely: Dr. George William Katatumba a Consultant Architect and Enganzi of Ankole Kingdom, H.E. Dr. Boney Katatumba a prominent businessman and current Consul of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan in Uganda, Joniva and Gorretti and there are more than 100 hundred in-laws and grand children.

Memorial Day 2015 will take place on Saturday 19th September 2015.

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